‘The Arts Award is a unique qualification that supports young people to grow as artists and arts leaders.’

Artsmark Gold Award for Woodcroft
June 2023: We are pleased to announce that Woodcroft has achieved Art Council England’s gold standard for out outstanding arts provision.

Champion Centre Status Award for Woodcroft
May 2023: Woodcroft has been named as a prestigious Trinity Champion Centre 2023/24 for our successful delivery of the Arts Award, a Trinity College qualification, in association with Arts Council England.

UDOIT National Primary Dance Champions
April 2023: We have done it again – Woodcroft Dance Team are the 2023 UDOIT National Street Dance Champions! What a fantastic achievement for our amazing dancers.
- a great way for children and young people to be inspired by and enjoy the arts
- offered at five levels, four accredited and one introductory award
- a framework for learning new skills and sharing them
- an opportunity to develop creativity and leadership skills
- a link between young people and creative arts professionals
Through Arts Award young people gain a nationally recognised qualification enabling them to progress into further education and employment. Arts Award has five levels, four of which (Explore, Bronze, Silver, Gold) are accredited qualifications on the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF). Arts Award Discover is an introductory level. Woodcroft offers accredited assessment of Bronze and Silver levels. Find out more by visiting the Arts Award website by clicking here.
Woodcroft is an Arts Award Assessment Centre registered with Trinity College London. The school currently has two trained Arts Award advisers. Woodcroft is an open centre and welcomes joint moderations and contact with other organisations.
As an ArtsMark Gold school Woodcroft aims to offer exceptional opportunities. The Arts are underpinned by a published, and inclusive, Arts Charter.
Click here to view the Woodcroft Arts Award Charter
This charter acts as a guarantee for every pupil, ensuring they receive a termly programme of live arts experiences, opportunities for critical review, artistic research and skills sharing. In addition, every pupil performs to an audience at least once per term.
Arts opportunities are structured to support the Arts Award in each year group. This leads to the Bronze Qualification in Year 6.
Pupils have access to a wide range of professional, specialist staff working in the best possible learning environments. Teaching focuses on developing the children’s ability to participate in the Arts and also to transfer these skills, attitudes and aspirations across their learning; ensuring the best possible outcomes for all.

Extensive opportunities for pupils to engage in the Arts is supported by our AIM@Arts programme. This is a full programme of extra curricula clubs, musical tuition, visiting artists and educational trips to enhance the core curriculum. Find out more about Woodcroft’s AIM@ programmes by clicking on the AIM@ icon.
An environment where Arts and creativity can flourish is being achieved through the provision of an outstanding core curriculum, supported by an innovative AIM@Arts cross curricular enrichment programme.
Through the Arts we also explore and develop an understanding of the values of our society. The Arts allow pupils to explore the core curriculum through creative means, and provides them unique and valuable life experiences to develop their social, moral, spiritual and cultural selves. These skills and attitudes transfer across the curriculum and support academic achievement. Click here to read more about the Arts Award and SMSC at Woodcroft.

Integral to the highest quality broad and balanced education must be planned opportunities for pupils to be inspired by professional artists. This occurs through attending live performances at world class venues in a wide range of genres and inviting professional artists to perform and run workshops with all pupils across the school.
- 4D Immersive Suite
- Fully resourced Music Room
- State of the art staging facilities
- Dedicated instrumental tuition suite
Arts Award Trained Advisers:
Our Arts Award Centre currently has four fully accredited Bronze and Silver ArtsAward Advisers.
- Mrs Baldwyn (Adviser, Music Coordinator)
- Mr Craig Tallon (Adviser, Headteacher)
- Mrs Valoti (Adviser, Asst Head Enrichment)
- Mrs Gignac (Adviser, Asst Head)
- Mr Guest (Adviser, Year 6 Lead)
- Mrs Hurley (HLTA)
Specialist teaching
- Specialist music teacher
- Specialist dance choreographer
- Professional instrumental teachers in association with BEAT (Barnet Education Arts Trust)