Hygiene and Protective Controls for September

Woodcroft  COVID19 Response Strategy

ISSUE 4: 24th July 2020

At Woodcroft we have completed a detailed risk assessment based on the latest Government guidance.


In school we employing the strictest measures to protect children and staff and reduce the transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19).


  • If a pupil is off from school due to illness symptoms associated with Covid19 we are insisting that they remain away from school for 14 days. 
  • If a family member shows symptoms of Covid19 then all children in the same house should stay off school for 14 days  (see below for guidance)
  • These strict measures are to ensure the school remains a safe place for the pupils and staff who are still attending.

Pupil Safety: System of Controls


Woodcroft remains at Phase 3:  (These are the strictest measures we can employ before we have to close classes)

We are employing a full range of measures to ensure children and adults are safe in school. These fall into two categories:

  1. Hygiene
  2. Social Distancing

Please note: if any pupil does not follow the safety guidelines we will ask parents to collect their child from school

Hygiene in School:

  • Enforced regular handwashing: children will be supervised washing hands as soon as they arrive in school.. We use paper towels in classrooms to limit aerosol transmission.
  • Extended school cleaning regime to ensure push surfaces and handles are included.
  • We will enforce a 14 day extended absence from school following an illness
  • We will improve classroom ventilation by leaving windows and doors open. Teachers will limit the sharing of equipment
  • We have created a quarantine area for any pupils displaying symptoms. And have spaces available should we need to temporarily move a class to a santised area.

Social Distancing in School:

  • We are limiting classroom movement i.e. changing places / restricting group activities. Pupils will be seated apart where possible and teachers will limit or avoid grouping children together.
  • All assemblies and groups larger than one class have stopped
  • We now have staggered lunchtime sittings with pupils eating packed lunches in a classroom supervised by teachers to allow more space in the dining hall. 
  • Limited close contact between adults and pupils in school;  enforcing appropriate distances. We have also suspended intervention groups and small group activities.
  • We aim to limit opportunities for virus spread on equipment and books
    • Teachers are not marking books (but providing verbal feedback instead)
    • Children are keeping as much equipment in personal trays as possible
  • We have cancelled all non essential school events, trips, meetings and clubs.

(Note: Acorns and paid clubs run by external coaches (e.g. Multi-Sport) will continue to run until further notice. However, activities are being modified to support social distancing).

Stay at home: guidance for people with confirmed or possible coronavirus (COVID-19) infection


The most common symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are recent onset of

  • New continuous cough and/or
  • High temperature

For most people, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild infection

Main messages

  • If you live with others and you or one of them have symptoms of coronavirus, then all household members must stay at home and not leave the house for 14 days
  • Staying at home for 14 days will greatly reduce the overall amount of infection the household could pass on to others in the community
  • For anyone in the household who starts displaying symptoms, they need to stay at home for 7 days from when the symptoms appeared, regardless of what day the original 14 day isolation started.
  • If you can, move any vulnerable individuals out of your home, to stay with friends or family for the duration of the home isolation period
  • If you cannot move vulnerable people out of your home, stay away from them as much as possible
  • If you have coronavirus symptoms:
      • Do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital
      • You do not need to contact 111 to tell them you’re staying at home
      • Testing for coronavirus is not needed if you’re staying at home
  • Plan ahead and ask others for help to ensure that you can successfully stay at home and consider what can be done for vulnerable people in the household
  • Wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds, each time using soap and water, or use hand sanitiser
  • If you feel you cannot cope with your symptoms at home, or your condition gets worse, or your symptoms do not get better after 7 days, then use the NHS 111 online coronavirus service. If you do not have internet access, call NHS 111. For a medical emergency dial 999

More information visit: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-stay-at-home-guidance/stay-at-home-guidance-for-people-with-confirmed-or-possible-coronavirus-covid-19-infection