Headteacher’s Message
Mirё se erdhe, Dobrodošli, Добре дошли,
Vítejte, Bienvenue, Willkommen, Kalwsorisate, Benvenuti,
Boyei malámu, Sveiki atvykę, Witam, Bem-vindo, Bun venit, Добро пожаловать,
Soo dhawoo, Bienvenido, Karibu, Hoşgeldiniz, آپ کا استقبال ہے,
நல்வரவு, ਜੀ ਆਇਆ ਨੂੰ।, پخير, 欢迎, 歓迎, स्वागत, ברוך הבא,
સ્વાગત, καλωσόρισμα, স্বাগত, ترحيب,
Our motto, Together Towards Success, exemplifies everything that we strive to achieve. We hope this website gives you a flavour of the school; our academic success, the extensive range of services and facilities available, the wide variety of extra-curricular experiences offered, and the dedication and commitment of all our staff.
In our most recent inspection report published on 7th January 2015, Ofsted commented;
“The quality of teaching is good.”
“Governors are actively involved and know the school well.”
”Pupils feel safe, are happy and enjoy coming to school. They are keen to learn and behave well.”
“Aspirational programmes of study inspire pupils to do their very best.”
“Pupils are extremely proud to belong to the school … they work and play together harmoniously.”
We are particularly proud of our outstanding sports provision, commitment to the arts and the digital curriculum as part of our AIM@ programmes. Our aim is to raise the aspirations of every pupil, because Aspiration and Inspiration Matter at Woodcroft.
The school has achieved a number of prestigious awards that include Artsmark Gold, The Basic Skills Agency Quality Mark, The afPE Quality Mark for PE & Sport, the British Council’s International School Award and Healthy School Status.
In March 2015 Woodcroft was honoured to receive the national award for ‘Best School Music Department’ at the Music Teacher Excellence Awards.
“Everyone is welcome at Woodcroft Primary School.”Mr Craig Tallon (Headteacher)
Please note: If parents require a copy of any of the information contained on this website it will be provided free of charge; please enquire at the school office, thank you.