The school day begins at 8.30am.
It is vital that your child attends school regularly and on time. Children should arrive in good time between 8.30am and 8.45am.
Registers are taken promptly at 8.45am.
Children who arrive after this time must report to the main office and are marked late. A guide to school attendance is available on request.
The start of the day
At the start of the school day supervision in classrooms is provided from 8.30am. We do not invite parents into classroom corridors in the morning. This ensures pupils’ safety and enables a prompt start to lessons. Messages can be communicated to class teachers via staff members on door duty or via the school office. Teachers are available to talk at 3.15pm every when they bring classes out onto the playground.
The end of the day
The school entrance is opened at 3.15pm. Children are brought by their class teachers on to the main playground where they are collected by their parents or carers. It is important to be punctual when picking up your child. Children can become distressed when everyone else has gone. It is important that pupils are clear about collection arrangements with your child.
Pupils who are not collected on time, stay with their class teacher and are then brought to the school foyer.
8.45am New School Registration Time From January 2023
The Government announced that ALL schools should be open for a minimum of 32 ½ hours per week. Read about it via the link below:
The time that school must be open is measured from registration to dismissal. This means that children should be in school for 6 ½ hours per day. Because Woodcroft opens its doors at 8.30am we are actually open for longer. However, our official registration time has now changed from 8.55am to 8.45am to ensure we fully comply. Our school Governing Body approved this change in November 2022.
‘Tap out’ Safe Dismissal (now ‘wave out’ following Covid)
Ensuring safe dismissal at the end of the day is essential. Parents are asked to stand a safe distance from classes to ensure children and teachers can see clearly. We operate a ‘Tap Out’ system: when a child see their parent or carer they indicate this to their teacher, this is acknowledged by a ‘high 5’ gesture ensuring the teacher recognises the individual prior to dismissing the child.
Talking to Teacher
Parents are welcome to talk to teachers at the end of the school day. However, we ask that you wait until all of the class has been safely dismissed.