Woodcroft has been recognised as a Champion Centre for the arts by Trinity College London
AIM@Arts – A Programme of Extended Curriculum Opportunities
Woodcroft pupils are offered an Arts programme of outstanding opportunity that extends beyond the National Curriculum. We call this AIM@Arts. This programme is described in the mission statement below:
Pupils follow an integrated curriculum with guaranteed Arts experiences and opportunities that are identified in Woodcroft Arts Charter.
How the Arts support across the curriculum is outlined is our statement of General Capabilities
General Capabilities in the Woodcroft Curriculum
AIM@Arts therefore provides opportunities for integrated Arts that go above and beyond the National Curriculum for every year group. The scope of these learning experiences is outlined below:
Scope of curriculum coverage through AIM@Arts
End of key stage Arts expectations have been outlined for each year group from Early Years through to Year 6 in the ‘Sequence of Achievement’ document. These cover Dance, Drama, Music and Visual Art and both broaden and extend the National Curriculum.
Sequence of Achievement through AIM@Arts
Music Mark

Woodcroft was awarded Music Mark status in 2023.
As a current Artsmark Platinum school the arts & culture matter at Woodcroft.
The Arts Award
Woodcroft is an accredited Arts Award Assessment Centre and offers all pupils the opportunity to complete an innovative programme of Arts education from Nursery through to Y6.
Visit our Arts Award Assessment Centre Page by clicking here
Successful Arts Award Qualifications
Woodcroft Year 6 complete their Bronze Arts Award Qualification during the summer term. Trinity College assesses the pupils’ portfolios to confirm achievement of the standard for Bronze Award. Read more here…
Click here to find out more about The Arts Award.

Engaging in Arts education provides a unique opportunity for all pupils to share and celebrate their achievements in a creative and personal way. Woodcroft provides a broad range of experiences with the support and dedication of specialist professionals to ensure all pupils are able to succeed in their education. Aim@Arts allows pupils to explore the core curriculum through creative means, and provides them unique and valuable life experiences to build their social, moral, spiritual and cultural understanding.
Social, Moral and Cultural Education (SMSC)
Woodcroft’s Arts curriculum directly supports the development of pupils’ social, moral and cultural education. It also contributes to their learning about British values.
Our delivery of the The Arts Award enables Woodcroft to demonstrate that we provide a well-planned arts education that fully supports SMSC development, contributes to their British values and supporting the needs of disabled pupils for the purposes of the Equality Act 2010, including those who have special educational needs.
To find out more about how our Arts curriculum benefits all pupils please click on the document link : SMSC and the Arts Award at Woodcroft
Clubs & Extra Activities the The Woodcroft AIM Clubs Academy
At Woodcroft we provide an excellent range of range of clubs to enrich and extend the curriculum. These include:
- Woodcroft Choir
- String Ensembles
- Woodcroft Orchestra
- Dance Team
- Junior Dance Cheerleaders
- Arts Award Club
Special Events/Opportunities
Here’s what Ollie Tunmer, body percussionist and star of STOMP, had to say when he visited in his role of BBC Ten Pieces Champion to provide workshops as part of project…
Facilities & Resources
Woodcroft has outstanding facilities and resources to support The Arts. These include:
- The Woodcroft TARDIS – our 4D Immersive Suite
- Fully resourced music room
- State of the art staging, sound and lighting for productions
- Instrumental teaching suite
- Specialist dance choreographer
- Professional instrumental teachers through BEAT
- Whole class instrumental tuition
Arts Ambassador
Introducing Ross Hughes, our Arts Ambassador:
- Great Big Dance Off Solo Winners 2022-23
- Trinity College Champion Centre 2020 – 2022
- Great Big Dance Off regional champions 2022
- UDO Solo Dance Champions 2021
- UDO National Dance Champion 2019
- Artsmark Platinum School
- Past WINNERS – Best Music Department – Music Teacher Excellence Awards
Our commitment for the future
– Pupils to attend live professional performances
– Further develop staff confidence in teaching and leading a wide range of arts subjects
– Certify and celebrate pupil work through the Arts Award