Recipe for an amazing art experience…
1 x Fantastic facilitator – thank you Nic Abery of ‘Look to Learn’
2 x ‘Road to Rio’ Olympic inspired` themes – Determination & Inspiration
3 x Hectic days – learning how to think visually, work practically and exhibit as a gallery
7 x Inspirational artists’ work – Sandy Garnett, Ben Dearnley, Sonia Boyce, Andy Warhol, Willow Bascom, Stephen Wiltshire, Jane Wenger
50 x Special staff – making it all happen
500 x Creative children – producing wonderful works of art
When we mixed this recipe it turned into a wonderfully enriching Art Week experience. Year groups planned exciting projects that supported our SMSC (Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural) curriculum; promoting British Values through art!
Pupils then researched a contemporary artist and studied their work, learning how to think visually and critically appreciate art. They practised new skills to create individual pieces that could be exhibited as classrooms galleries.
Then on Thursday 31st March the whole school was turned into an immense display space. Pupils independently viewed and reflected on each other’s artwork. Afterwards, parents and carers were then invited into school to view our special gallery; the culmination of a wonderful week.
Well done to all of our young artists for producing such an inspiring exhibition.
Art Week is part of our AIM@Arts programme of extended and enriched curriculum opportunities: click here for more info