Autumn Music Concert Success

Well done to all our musicians and choir for their excellent performances, to an audience of friends and family, in the Autumn Music Showcase on Thursday 26th November. Every pupil performed with confidence and enthusiasm, even our younger musicians who only started learning their instruments in September! The standard of music goes form strength to strength at Woodcroft, exemplified by the outstanding pieces performed by our senior string ensembles and choir. Thank you to our dedicated Music department lead on the evening by Miss Sherring and Miss Blyth, supported by our fantastic BEAT tutors.

Year 3 Ukulele Concert

On Monday 30th November Year 3 then entertained us with their Autumn Ukulele Concert. To an audience of friends and family, and after only 10 lessons,  they confidently played and sang an astonishing 5 pieces; ranging from Hungarian folk songs to a rendition of Queen’s ‘We Will Rock You’!
Every pupil learns to play a tuned instrument at Woodcroft during Year 3. Well done to the BEAT (Barnet Education Arts Trust) tutors and Woodcroft staff for their support of our music programme.