Woodcroft Weekly – Issue 426

It’s Harvest Time

Get set for our harvest celebrations by reading Issue 426 of our Woodcroft Weekly News. Download you PDF right here … https://bit.ly/2YDTM1m

Woodcroft Weekly Newsletter Issue 425

This week we received a fantastic award for our Music curriculum! Read all about this, and all of our other news in Issue 425 of our Woodcroft Weekly. Download a PDF copy here … https://bit.ly/3A2yFCl

Music Mark Award for Woodcroft!

Great News! Woodcroft has been awarded the prestigious Music Mark School status for 2021-22!  In the nomination letter it stated, “We have recognised your commitment to a broad and balanced curriculum and the value that you place on music.” 

This is recognition for our school valuing the Arts and maintaining our outstanding provision, even through the COVID19 disruption! At Woodcroft we continue to run the Arts Council’s Bronze Arts Award, a full music tuition programme and whole class instrumental lessons.  This is all in addition to a fully timetabled music curriculum entitlement.


Woodcroft Weekly Issue 424

This week is a bit of an 8 page bumper issue. We celebrate tennis success, share our Year Group Curriculum evening slides, launch Times Tables Rock Stars, meet our new EWO and learn about the importance of sleep on children learning!

You can download the PDF here … ISSUE 424 or click the photo links below.

Curriculum Information Evenings

Over the past two weeks your teachers have been hosting online year group information evenings.  If you were unable to attend any of the meetings, or would like to remind yourself of the key points, please download a PDF of the slides by clicking the links below.

Teachers will also be holding individual consultation sessions on the 5th and 7th of October. More information to follow.

Year Group Presentation Slides To Download
Year 1                     Year 1 Curriculum and Information Evening          
Year 2 Year 2 Curriculum and Information Evening
Year 3 Year 3 Curriculum and Information Evening
Year 4 Year 4 Curriculum and Information Evening 
Year 5 Year 5 Curriculum and Information Evening 
Year 6 Year 6 Curriculum Information and Evening

Woodcroft Weekly – Issue 423

Make sure you take a look at the latest edition of Woodcroft Weekly. It’s a bumper 7 page issue with lots of important information! Download a PDF Copy here https://bit.ly/2Xsbgx6 or take a look at the images below.


Weekly News – Issue 422

What a fantastic first week back! Read all about it in issue 422 of our Woodcroft Weekly News. Download a PDF copy here to access the links … Woodcroft Weekly Issue 422

Welcome Back – Special Edition News Extra

We hope that you have had a good summer and are excited for the start of term. We realise that you will have lots of questions this year, more so than ever, so we have put together a  Woodcroft Weekly Special Edition to quickly answer the main points. For more information about COVID read our detail contingency planning in the post below about our organisation and arrangements for September.

We look forward to seeing Year 1 to Year 6 on Monday 6th September. Nursery and Reception pupils have got their own staggered start dates so we will see you very soon as well.

Take a look at the photos below or download your PDF copy of Issue 421 Woodcroft Weekly Extra Edition right here.


School Organisation for September 2021

Woodcroft Organisation for September

We have now begin to finalise planning following the most recent  Government Guidance. Arrangements will be very similar to those that were put in place in September which aimed to:

  • Ensure pupils, parents and staff are as safe as possible
  • Enable the school maintain the highest standards of COVID security 
  • Maintain a continuity of learning
  • Support everyone’s well-being 

This will be achieved by:

  • Avoiding whole school groupings
  • Matining staggered uses of playground and hall space
  • Retaining year group based staffing structures that will enable flexible and seamless adoption of tighter restriction if required
  • Providing every year group will have a nominated senior teacher to provide integrated support and inbuilt cover release 

School Timetable

Staggered entry 8.30am – 8.55am 

Pupils can arrive at school between 8.30am and 8.55am and go directly into class. Families will continue to follow the current one way system for drop off.

Lessons will start at 8.55am

Early activities will be set by teachers form 8.30am. Please ensure you are on time. We advise that pupils are in school by 8.45am at the latest to benefit from early work support from teachers.


Pupils will have staggered break times within their year groups. They will not mix with other pupils.


Children will have staggered lunchtimes within their year groups and will not mix on the playground with other pupils.


Lessons will finish at 3.15pm. Children who walk home from school will be dismissed at 3.10pm. Parents will be able to collect children between from 3.15pm. We have a marked queuing area at the front and back of school.

We will continue to operate our one way system. Please watch the video here if you need a reminder: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11bcc2-2nQ5Jh_D4hC75XOZorXGDoe2uC/view?usp=sharing

Masks Optional

The wearing of masks  is now optional on school premises. Mask are available free of charge at school entrances.

The Woodcroft Learning Continuity Plan 

We expect that there might be times when individuals, classes or even the whole school is asked to self-isolate. To overcome further disruption to learning we continue to adopt our Learning Continuity Plan.

What to expect online:

  • Weekly learning schedules published online in the class Google Classroom 
  • Daily activities and lessons published via Google Classroom
  • Termly topics and resources published online on the Treehouse. This will include essential knowledge, vocabulary lists, writing checklists, spellings, stories and videos

Other Important Information


We will be wearing full uniform. School shoes should now be worn on non PE Days.

*the relaxation of this policy finished at the end of the summer term. Black school shoes should again be worn as part of the school uniform.


Our coaches will continue to provide 1 hour of PE per class. This will be mainly outside or in the main hall.  A second scheduled hour of PE will be implemented later in the term.

Pupils wear their blue PE uniform on PE days.

Library Organisation

Classes will begin to visit the Library from 4th October 2021

Breakfast Club

8.00am Breakfast Club will be available at a cost of £1.50 per day. Please register and book via the school office. Children will be seated within year group areas to maintain their bubbles.

Acorns After School Club

Acorns After School club will be open and continue to run a slightly restricted service from 3.15pm to 5.30pm.  

Extra Curricular Clubs

We are to planning restart extra curricular clubs during the autumn term pending further risk assessment after re-opening.

Other Things to Remember:

  • The office window will remain closed. Please email or call 
  • Every child needs their own personal water bottle. They will take it home every day to wash and refill. All water fountains are turned off for safety reasons. We will not be able to supply water bottles if they forget to bring them.
  • Remember to provide your child with a personal pencil case to leave in school. See  Newsletter Issue 420 for a list of suitable items to include.

Reporting Illness

If children exhibit any symptoms of COVID19 we request that they are kept home from school in line with Government guidelines.

Please inform the office immediately so that we can take any appropriate action to maintain everyone’s safety.

Covid Contingency Plan Summary

Please read COVID Contingency Plan Summary. View the image below or download a PDF here










School Risk Assessment and COVID19 Response Strategy

Staff and governors are currently carrying out a out a series of risk assessments and associated planning based on the latest guidance to ensure the school’s safe opening on 6th September.

These documents will be shared shared below in due course:


If you have any questions or would like to comment on the above plans please email:  office@woodcroft.barnetmail.net

Weekly News Issue 420

It’s the final newsletter of the academic year – and what a year it’s been!

We have had an eventful final week in school, but for a change it was for all of the right reasons and not Covid related! Read about our Year 6 leavers events, Year 5 celebrations, things to think about to get ready for September, our summer reading challenge, the Arbor Parent Portal and lots of summer camps available in the local area.

Download your own PDF copy of Issue 420 here … ISSUE 420

Have great summer, see you again on 6th September!