Futuristic Art Week

The stimulus for our Spring Term Art Week was British Science Week’s theme of ‘Innovating for the Future’. During the week, pupils learnt about an artist, practised new skills and worked toward a final project.

We have created a virtual walk down the ‘Gallery Corridor’ and added a few extra photos from some of the displays around the school …

Each Year Group researched the work of a famous artist for their inspiration …

Class Genre / Media Artist / Designer
Nursery Bottle Top Recycling Project Michelle Stitzlein
Reception Magnetic Robot / Space Pictures Brian Mock (Robot sculptures)
Y1 Space Race Collage / Mixed Media Robert Rauschenberg
Y2 Futuristic Car Design / Painting Luigi Russolo
Y3 Looking After Our Future / Recycled Sculpting Leo Seawell
Y4 Space Painting Lucien Rudaux
Y5 Futuristic Classics Collage/Painting Leonardo da Vinci /Edvard Munch /Johanes Vermeer
Y6 Cyborgs Sci-Fi /Graphic art Osamu Tezuka

Welcome Back

We welcomed everyone back to the start of the Summer Term this week. As always, there is plenty to tell you about. Make sure you keep up to date by reading our weekly newsletter that is published every Friday.

Click here for your copy of Newsletter Issue 408

Woodcroft Weekly News – Issue 407

School is now back in full swing as you can see from this week’s bumper issue of the Woodcroft Weekly News. View the gallery below or click here to download the PDF … https://bit.ly/2O1XLPW

Nursery Places For September

30 Hours FREE Childcare is available at Woodcroft Nursery

Now is the time to reserve your place in our Nursery ready for this September. Contact the school office to discuss enrolling your child on our nursery register. Children born between 1st September 2017 and 31st August 2018 are eligible for a Nursery place at Woodcroft starting in September 2021.

***Contact our school office on 02089593244 office to fo more information***

Woodcroft offers the FREE flexible 15 hours provision for all children, with the option to book for extra sessions as required. Parents of three and four year olds that are registered with Woodcroft’s Nursery can also apply for the government’s 30 hours free childcare offer through the Government website www.childcarechoices.gov.uk.

Woodcroft Weekly News

Catch up on all the latest news in issue 406 of The Woodcroft Weekly … Download your own full edition PDF right here …  https://bit.ly/3lvRXdC

Bookface Challenge

We have had some amazing BookFaces submitted for our BookFace Challenge. What a creative lot you are! Here are six examples from the main gallery page … https://www.woodcroft.barnet.sch.uk/bookface-challenge-2021/

Keep them coming in and we will add them to the main page!

Go to the full gallery here … https://www.woodcroft.barnet.sch.uk/bookface-challenge-2021/

Woodcroft Weekly Update

We might have only fully reopened on Monday, but that doesn’t hold up back at Woodcroft. If you haven’t read this week’s news yet then you are going to need to catch-up! Check out the downloads below:

Woodcroft Weekly Issue 405 – PDF download

Welcome Back!


We are excited to be welcoming all pupils back to school on Monday 8th March. Make sure you have read the latest issue of our weekly newsletter which contains lots of information about our return. Download your own PDF copy of Woodcroft Weekly Issue 404 using this link. Alternatively, view the slides below … See you all on Monday!

Back to School in Barnet

Helping children back to school

It’s been a challenging year for children and young people which is why it’s so important that we so what we can to help support their mental health and wellbeing as they return to the classroom on 8 March.

We have a wide range of useful resources for parents, carers, teachers, children and young people on our Back to School page. Some of these include links to the latest government guidance, tips on how to get back into a routine, important information on potential changes to the school setting and advice on dealing with anxiety:

Also, Barnet Integrated Clinical Services (BICS) have organised a series of FREE wellbeing workshops for children, young people, parents and carers. View the list of workshops and details on how to book here.

We’re wishing you and your child the best of luck on their return to school!

Woodcroft Weekly News – Issue 403

A Big Week Ahead

After the announcement that schools are fully reopening on 8th March we have been busy at school preparing for the big day! We hope you are all excited to be coming back. In the meantime, there are lots of things you can do to get ready. Issue 403 of Woodcroft Weekly News contains lots of helpful advice.

It’s also a big week for Year 6 who will find out out their secondary school offers on Monday! Fingers crossed for your preferred choices.

Download your PDF copy of Woodcroft Weekly – Issue 403