We will be welcoming everyone back on March 8th

Click on the image to read the government press release.

Woodcroft Organisation for March 8th

We have now begin to finalise planning following the most recent  Government Guidance. Arrangements will be very similar to those that were put in place in September which aimed to:

  • Ensure pupils, parents and staff are as safe as possible
  • Enable the school maintain the highest standards of COVID security 
  • Support everyone’s well-being when school opens fully
  • Maintain a continuity of learning 

This will be achieved by:

  • Staff only working in only one year group
  • Retaining staff in the same year groups where possible facilitating immediate familiarity with the curriculum 
  • Each year group will have a nominated senior teacher to provide integrated support and inbuilt cover release 

School Timetable

Staggered entry 8.30am – 8.55am 

Pupils can arrive at school between 8.30am and 8.55am and go directly into class. Families will follow the current one way system for drop off.

Lessons will start at 8.55am

Please ensure you are on time. We advise that pupils are in school by 8.45am to benefit from early work support from teachers.


Pupils will have staggered break times within their year groups. They will not mix with other pupils.


Children will have staggered lunchtimes within their year groups and will not mix on the playground with other pupils.

End of the Day Collection between 3.00pm to 3.15pm

Lessons will finish at 3.00pm. Children who walk home from school will be dismissed at 3.00pm. Parents will be able to collect children between 3.00pm and 3.15pm. We have a marked queuing area at the front and back of school.

We will continue to operate our one way system. Please watch the video here if you need a reminder: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11bcc2-2nQ5Jh_D4hC75XOZorXGDoe2uC/view?usp=sharing

Teachers have been asked not to talk at length with parents at the end of the day to avoid hold ups. We also ask that parents and carers leave the school promptly after pick-up to avoid congestion.

It is important to remember that we will expect all adults to maintain the social distance rule while on site.


Mask should be worn at all times on school premises. We understand that not everyone is able to wear a mask. Those who are exempted can display their exemption tags/lanyards to reassure the rest of the community.

The Woodcroft Learning Continuity Plan 

We expect that there might be times when individuals, classes or even the whole school is asked to self-isolate. To overcome further disruption to learning we continue to adopt our Learning Continuity Plan.

What to expect online:

  • Weekly learning schedules published online in the class Google Classroom 
  • Daily activities and lessons published via Google Classroom
  • Termly topics and resources published online on the Treehouse. This will include essential knowledge, vocabulary lists, writing checklists, spellings, stories and videos

Other Important Information


We will be wearing full uniform. Howveer, we have temporarily relaxed our policy on school shoes until all non essential shops are open. Children can wear alternative footwear, e.g. trainers, if their shoes no longer fit.


Our coaches will continue to provide 1 hour of PE per class. This will be mainly outside or in the main hall. They will remain socially distant from the pupils and thoroughly clean equipment between use. 

Pupil wear their blue PE uniform on PE days.

Library Organisation

No staff or pupils will be able to visit the library this term. Each class will have a Library Book Box delivered each half term.

Breakfast Club

8.00am Breakfast Club will be available at a cost of £1.50 per day. Please register and book via the school office. Children will be seated within year group areas to maintain their bubbles.

Acorns After School Club

We hope Acorns after school club can return to running a restricted service from 15th March . But this is subject to sufficient numbers of parents requesting the provision. We will need to maintain social distancing between pupils from different year groups so this involved some detailed planning.

Extra Curricular Clubs

We are not planning on restarting any extra curricular clubs during the spring term. However, we are currently looking at ways to restart clubs run by external coaches later in the summer term. 

Other Things to Remember:

  • The office window will remain closed. Please email or call 
  • Every child needs their own personal water bottle. They will take it home every day to wash and refill. All water fountains are turned off for safety reasons. We will not be able to supply water bottles if they forget to bring them.
  • Remember to provide your child with a personal pencil case to leave in school. See  Newsletter Issue 385 for a list of suitable items to include.

Reporting Illness

If children exhibit any symptoms of COVID19 we request that they are kept home form school in line with Government guidelines.

Please inform the office immediately so that we can take any appropriate action to maintain everyone’s safety.

Going Back to School

For children and families who have anxiety about returning the following presentation may be helpful …

click to view the slide show

School Risk Assessment and COVID19 Response Strategy

Staff and governors have carried out a series of risk assessments and associated planning based on the latest guidance to ensure the school’s safe opening on March 8th. These documents are shared below:

If you would like to comment on any of the above plans please email:  office@woodcroft.barnetmail.net

Well done to everyone for achieving so much both at home and in school this term – you have all done amazingly well.

Issue 402 has information about lots of online activities keep you busy this week. There is also information for parents and carers about ways to get support. Read it here: https://bit.ly/3tTgr4b. Don’t forget that you can read all of our back issues on the News Page.

Finally, Happy Chinese New Year, and a restful half term.

Delayed FULL Opening Announcement

Barnet, along with other London Boroughs is listed in the contingency framework areas. This means that there are additional restrictions placed upon schools.

Note: Barnet website information here, https://www.barnet.gov.uk/news/return-school-january-2021

Note: Government information here, DfE School Contingency Plans

Primary schools, including Woodcroft, will only open to children of critical workers and vulnerable children for the first two weeks of term. A Government review will occur by 18th January in respect of planning to open for other children thereafter.

All families were sent an online application form on 31/12/20 to request a place, if eligible, in our Key Worker Provision. All applications will be reviewed on 4/12/20.

Pupils not attending school will have access to Woodcroft Online remote education via Google Classroom from the start of term. Please log on to your child’s school account on Tuesday 5th to access their daily schedule and assignments.

National Dance Championship Success

Woodcroft Pupils Excel in Solo Dance Category

Two members of Woodcroft’s Dance Team achieved individual success in the National School’s Dance Competition on Friday 7th December. They submitted solo videos for judgeing and overjoyed to both place in the Top 10 nationally. What an achievement!

Danis and Atifa, both Y5, have been part of the Dance Team for the past year. COVID19 has prevented team events taking place, but this didn’t stop the girls representing Woodcroft in the solo dance category.

Imagine our excitement, when results were announced, to hear that both had finished at the top of the leaderboard. Congratulations to both of our amazing dancers!

Take a look at a snapshot of their entries on Twitter …

Woodcroft Weekly – Issue 398

One one week to go until the Christmas break and Woodcroft is getting very festive! Next week we have our Christmas lunch, year group parties, a special online panto!

Download the full PDF issue here … Woodcroft Weekly Issue 398

Woodcroft Weekly – Issue 397

Another busy week at Woodcroft. Keep up to speed with everything happening in school by reading the Woodcroft Weekly News.

Download the full PDF version of Issue 397 …. click here 

NEWS UPDATE: Following the Government announcement on Tuesday 7th December, asking schools to close on 18th December, the last day of term will now be Thursday 17th December. We will finish lessons at the normal time of 3.00pm on the final Thursday.

Woodcroft Weekly Issue 396

We have had a very artistic time at Woodcroft over the past week! It has not only been Art Week, but Year 1 took part in the Barnet ‘virtual’ Music Festival. Read about these, and loads of other things in Woodcroft Weekly Issue 396 click on this link to download the full PDF version.

Art Week 2020 – STEM to STEAM

Art Week Virtual Gallery

Woodcroft enjoyed another fantastic Art Week! This term’s theme was STEM to STE[+a]M where we celebrated visual art using science and technology as inspiration. Each year group had a focus artist who they researched and Art techniques which  were learnt and developed. Artwork inspired by their focus artist was produced throughout the school. Each class has created a display of their amazing work, and in the Gallery Corridor, showcased their project in one of the frames. Because visits are restricted on site we have created this as a virtual gallery for you. We can all agree the pupils have done a wonderful job and that it has been another successful Art Week at Woodcroft!

Why not take a virtual walk down our Gallery Corridor? Click on an image to begin the slideshow…

Now find out a bit more about our projects …

Continue reading

Woodcroft Weekly Issue 395

This week got off to an odd start! Mainly because it was Odd Socks day kicking off Anti-Bullying Week 2020

We also enjoyed a wonderful Art Week (look out for a gallery coming soon), announced a different type of  Book Fair, celebrated the winners of our Time Tables Rock Stars competition, found out about a project our School Council is embarking upon and lots, lots more …

To view a full PDF copy of the newsletter click here: Woodcroft Weekly News Issue 395