WOW! We did it! Our amazing Woodcroft Dance Team are The Great BIg Dance Off Regional Champions 2024. Well done to our fantastic dancers, wonderful staff and great supporters. Read the full report in Friday’s Woodcroft Weekly.

Woodcroft Weekly Issue 514

In this week’s issue read about our work to celebrate World Book Day through our study of Charles Dickens and the Victorian era. We had theatre shows, piano recitals and book activities.

EYFS have also had a busy week reading The Little Prince and hosting their final parent workshop.

As always, you can read all about this, and lots more, in our Woodcroft Weekly News. It is so full this weeks that we had to spilt it in two to restrict the file size!

Issue 514 Newsletter part 1:

Issie 514 Newsletter part 2:

Woodcroft Weekly Issue 513

This week at Woodcroft we hosted a successful dodgeball tournament with other schools visiting. We invited parents in to EYFS to see their children learning to write, and we also look ahead to Book Week.
Make sure you are on time on Monday because we wouldn’t want your child to miss any of our live visiting theatre production of Oliver Twist! (For Years 1 to 6)
We shall also be starting our Eggcellent Easter Raffle – look out for tickets when they come on sale.
You can read about all of these things, and more, in Woodcroft Weekly Issue 413:

Woodcroft Weekly Issue 512

This week the Government issued new guidance regarding mobile phones in schools, so in Issue 512 we clarify our NO phones position at Woodcroft and signpost parents to a campaign encouraging a smartphone free childhood.

We also feature our updated diary dates for March and several upcoming items of interest to families including World Book Day and Barnet Holiday Activities Vouchers.

Download your PDF Copy here …

Woodcroft Weekly Issue 511

This week started with a celebration of our success in a national times tables competition. The whole school then took part in a football tournament as part of national Schools’ Football Week – even the staff had their own match 😉
Early Years invited parents to come and see them teach phonics for their first ‘Stay & Play’ of the year. We are also notified parents that we are looking for two new parent governors to join the Governing Body.
There is more information on all of this, and more, if you click this link to download your own PDF copy of Issue 511:
Have a good week, we shall see you all again after half-term on Monday 19th February, and for those that are celebrating, have a Happy Lunar New Year!

Woodcroft Weekly Issue 510

We have a busy time ahead thinking about our internet safety, mental health and football all in the same week. The latest issue of Woodcroft Weekly will keep you fully in the picture about what’s happening at Woodcroft. Download the full 8 page PDF via the link below.

Issue 510 :

Woodcroft Weekly Issue 509

In issue 509 you will see theatre groups, bikeability training, parent workshops and cake sales! All in a week’s work at Woodcroft!

Download your own PDF copy here … 

Families also need to register for their child’s MMR if not already vaccinated. Download the NHS letter:

Woodcroft Weekly Issue 508

Download your copy of Issue 508 via this link
This week we introduce you to our exciting new handwriting programme called Kinetic Letters. This initiative has been launched in classes from Nursery to Year 2.
School attendance has been in the news so we have shared with you the latest government advice called ‘Keep Your Child Healthy and Attending School’. Check out the information via this link…
Finally, a reminder that there are lots of events and activities this term – so make sure you have kept a note of all the dates listed in this issue.

Woodcroft Weekly Issue 507

Welcome to the first Woodcroft Weekly News of 2024!

Issue 507 is packed with information to get your term off to a flying start. Find our about our champion dancers, a successful girls’ football tournament, the Y3 Bikeability training and also how to access important attendance data on the Arbor Parent Portal. You will also find lots of key dates for the rest of this spring term.
Read your full colour PDF here …