Children in Need 2015

Busking for Children in Need 2015

Guitar Club busking to parents for Children in Need 2015

scooby-and-miss-sherringThank you to everyone for supporting our Children In Need Day at Woodcroft. The pupils looked great in their ‘Champions of Change’ gold and silver themed outfits and accessories. The day began with Guitar Club busking in the playground before school; raising a fantastic £89.00! Later, in a special assembly lead by Mr Russell and Miss Sherring, we then learnt about the reasons for raising money for this important charity, and the pupils sang our favourite Children in Need song, ‘Superhero’. Finally, we finished off the day with Pudsey’s Champion Challenge Quiz between the teachers. Unfortunately, there was a rather messy penalty for getting a question wrong!

We will let you know the total amount raised as soon as we have finished counting your generous donations. If you want to contribute further look out for the Pudsey money box at the Office. Take a look at the photos below for a flavour of our fabulous day.