At Woodcroft, we know that navigating the online world with your child is a difficult task which only seems to become more and more tricky as your child matures. We hope that the resources listed below will help support and inform you in using the internet as a tool to aid your child’s learning without some of the online nasties.

Parent Zone has been providing information and support to parents for over a decade. The website includes parent guides to a full range of online services your child may wish to use, as well as supporting some fantastic research and resources such as the Be Internet Legends curriculum (studied by Year Six) in partnership with Google; Ollee, a virtual friend for children aged 8 to 11 – with a free app to support child mental health and wellbeing, and Digiland, an online game to support discussions of online safety with your child.
CEOP, the Child Exploitation and Online Protection command of the National Crime Agency.

Internet Matters is a not-for-profit organisation formed by some of the biggest players in UK internet (Sky, TalkTalk, BT and Virgin Media) to provide advice and support to parents. Working with a wide coalition of industry partners including the BBC, Google, Samsung and Facebook, they also collaborate with sector experts, government and schools to reach UK families with tools, tips and resources.

Vodafone Digital Parenting is a website with plenty of articles to support parents. You can download a copy of their annual magazine, or order a physical copy online. Why not try their Family Pledge to open discussions about safe online behaviour with your family.
Vodafone – Story Time
Read through these stories with your child to help them understand how they can stay safe online.
Key Stage Two: Tommy the Tablet
Key Stage One: Sally the Smartphone

Common Sense Media offers reviews of a range of media, offering age ratings and a breakdown of the content to help you decide what’s appropriate for your child.

The UK Safer Internet Centre (UKSIC), established in 2011, is a leading global partnership helping to make the internet a great and safe place for everyone. They provide support and services to children and young people, adults facing online harms, and professionals working with children. They promote Safer Internet Day, celebrated at Woodcroft each year as well as a wide range of resources to support parents and educators.