Barnet Sports Award Success

BPSSWoodcroft received accolades at the 2015 Barnet Sports Awards on Tuesday 8th September!  We were recognised in two categories at the prestigious event hosted at Middlesex University; The School Team Of The Year and the School Games Award!

In the hotly contested team award our J Rock dance club came away with the Runners Up certificate. Mrs Clarke and Mrs Hurley were extremely proud of the club who have now been shortlisted two years running! This s a fantastic achievement for our outstanding dancers. Our certificates were presented by Fil Kamps, Great Britain deaf footballer who also plays for Fulham FC and captains the University of Middlesex team.

Ms Charalambous also came back to Woodcroft for the evening and joined us as we received a Gold Award for school sports and games. This is the highest accolade available to schools and is recognition of the excellent physical education and sports provision available at Woodcroft!


Leavers Balloon Found!

We have had a surprise email…Red-Balloon 2

I found your balloon in Colchester whilst out walking with my dog Willow.

We found it on Ministry of Defence land called Middlewick Ranges which is on Mersea Road, post code CO2 8QY.
Kind regards
On the last day of term our Year 6 pupils release the helium balloon from their Leavers Ball. We added a label asking for the finder to contact the school. This year the balloon had travelled over 70 miles when it landed near Colchester; the furthest place that it has ever been found.  The map below shows the location that Sheryl and Willow came across our red ballon – many thanks to them for taking the time to get in touch.

Secondary Transfer 2016

Year 6 pupils and parents are now making important decisions about their choice of Secondary School for next year when they move on from Woodcroft. The online application system is now open and all parents are encouraged to complete their forms electronically. Today pupils brought home a letter and pamphlet that further explained the process. Copies of these documents, including a link to eAdmissions,  have been uploaded to the Secondary Transfer page of our school website – click here for more information.

During October we will be opening our Computing Suite for Y6 parents to complete their forms with support from school staff if required. Opening times will be advertised later this  month. Mr Tallon is also happy to discuss any queries or concerns with parents.

Healthy Schools Award

Silver Success for Woodcroft


Woodcroft has been congratulated by Dr Helen Walters, Head of Health, on behalf of the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson,  on achieving the Healthy Schools London Silver Award. Mrs Valoti, who leads PSHE at Woodcroft, attended a presentation ceremony at Barnet Town Hall to receive our certificate.

Healthy Schools London is an Awards Programme working with schools to improve children and young people’s well-being. Find out more by clicking the link:


A Busy Summer

The school might now be closed to children until the start of term – but that doesn’t mean that everything is quiet at Woodcroft. In fact, the school is a hive of activity with contractors and staff working hard to improve the school environment and get things ready for September.

Major improvement projects include the installation of a new computing suite, the refurbishment of our Year 2 classrooms and the decoration of the dining room. Mrs Clarke is also dismantling last year’s J Rock props ready for their new show, and Mrs Hurley has used some of our old stage sets to bring a splash of colour to the Butterfly Garden!

Camp Woodcroft 2015

Inflatables, Ice Creams and Water Fun!

Children who came along to this year’s Camp Woodcroft, our free summer activity camp exclusively for Woodcroft pupils, had a great time. Click on the photo below and take a look at some of the things they got up to. They had inflatable fun, sports and crafts galore, then water games and ice creams to cool down!

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Click on the photo above to visit the Camp Woodcroft Gallery

New Football Kit

Our football team’s new kit has arrived ready for the 2015-16 season. They will certainly look part when they take to the pitch next term.

The team had a very successful 2014 -15 seFootball Team Kitason, narrowly missing out on the league title by 1 point! Let’s hope the new kit gives them the boost to go one better.

Thank you to Kitroomour team shirt sponsors, for helping make our fantastic Joma kit more affordable. Check out the Woodcroft twitter feed @WPS_Success to see Kitroom’s comments!

We are now looking forward to seeing Mr Judd (Football Coach) and the team wearing all their new gear. The updated design gives the kit a modern look while maintaining our traditional sky blue home colour. Thank you also to Mr Judd for organising our new kit.

Arts Award Success for Year 6

Arts Award LogoCongratulations to Year 6 for successfully completing their Arts Award. On Friday 17th July a moderator from Trinity College assessed their portfolios and confirmed that 39 pupils had achieved the standard for the Bronze Award and praised the high quality of evidence presented by the school.

To achieve Bronze, a Level 1 national qualification, young people present detailed evidnece to show they have taken part in arts activities, experienced arts events, research their arts inspiration and shared their skills with others. Bronze is available to young people aged 11 to 25.

Year 6 planned their work and created their own Arts Award portfolios, both in a special course book and in online folders. Over the year our pupils needed to demonstrate evidence of around 40 hours of arts activities and study to be successful.

Trinity_College_London_-_LogoThe qualification is awarded by Trinity College London who are a leading international examinations board providing respected qualifications in the performing arts. Woodcroft is a registered Arts Award Assessment Centre: click here for more info.

Summer Reading Challenge

reading_chal_2015 - banner

Visit Your Local Library and Join Up!

The Summer Reading Challenge is designed for children between the ages of 4 and 11. Last year almost 840,000 children took part. Every year the Challenge has a new theme and this year libraries will be working with Guinness World Records ™ (GWR) on the 2015 Summer Reading Challenge. This year the theme will be Record Breakers!

Parents need to take their children along to a local library to join up. The challenge is to read 6 library books over the summer break…easy!

Download the 2015 Reading Challenge leaflet by clicking here.

Outstanding Year 6 Leavers Show

Nick of Time

The standard of performance at Woodcroft never fails to amaze – and this year’s Leavers Show was no exception. Written by Mr Guest and Mr Huckerby, the show called ‘Nick of Time’ centred on a group of children travelling through history. With fantastic costume and song, expertly coordinated by a Y6 Stage Crew, the pupils brought history to life and showed off the year group’s amazing performance talents! Well done to all of the pupils, and thank you to all of the staff for their hard work putting it together. Click on the image below to view a slideshow of photos from the show.

Y6 Show Banner

Click on the image above to see the show photo gallery