Woodcroft is recognised for its outstanding provision for sport and games. More information about our extensive enrichment programmes and extra-curricular clubs can be found by visiting our AIM@Sports.
Award Winning Provision
School Games Gold Award
Woodcroft received the top accolade for school sport and games for five successive years pre-covid: The Sainsbury’s School Games GOLD Award! This Government led scheme rewards schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community.
An Ambitious Curriculum
Rationale: The National Curriculum
At Woodcroft, we follow the National Curriculum. We work to ensure that we are implementing the statutory programmes of study and meeting attainment targets for physical education (PE). Follow the link below for more information.
PE at Woodcroft
P.E at Woodcroft is underpinned by the Essentials Curriculum from Chris Quigley Ltd, an excellent resource designed to support the successful implementation of the current national curriculum.
KS1 Curriculum Map
KS2 Curriculum Map
The Essentials Curriculum has guided our curriculum design. PE units are arranged into carefully planned learning sequences. This ensures that PE lessons:
- Meet the aims of the national curriculum.
- Offer a broad, yet balanced curriculum.
- Build on prior knowledge.
- Develop the fundamentals of physical movement.
- Help to create a healthy community.
- Work towards lifelong participation in physical activity.
Pupils have 90 minutes of timetabled curriculum PE each week. The specific details are outlined in our PE overview document. This is supplemented by additional periods of physical activity.
High quality PE is delivered by both specialised coaches and teachers (1 session each per week).
Progression is monitored closely through curriculum aligned ‘Proof of Progress’ assessments after each unit. Pupil application of both knowledge and skills is measured against milestone objectives to make depth of learning judgements:
PE Kit
At Woodcroft, children arrive at school in their PE kit on their ‘PE Days’. We do this to maximise learning time, rather than losing time on getting changed. We also allow children to wear their P.E kit to school on the days they may be taking part in an extra-curricular club. At Woodcroft, we highly value the benefit of children being able to take part in cost-free extra-curricular clubs.
For more details on our PE kit and uniform please visit: https://www.woodcroft.barnet.sch.uk/uniform/
We teach swimming during Year 4. All pupils take part in an intensive programme in association with Barnet Copthall Leisure Centre.
Useful Documents

Visit a curriculum subject page by clicking the link listed below:
English Mathematics Science Computing Physical Education Music History Geography Spanish Design and Technology Art and Design Religious Education