Back to School in September

Staffing and School Organisation for September 2020

As you can imagine, school organisation for September has been more complicated this year. We have also only been able to finalise planning following the recent distribution of Government Guidance. It must also be accepted that all planning is subject to change in response to any further developments.

The following plan has been created to achieve the following aims:

  • To ensure staff, pupils and parents are as safe as possible and that the school maintain the highest standards of COVID security 
  • To support pupil and staff well-being when school opens fully
  • To maintain continuity of learning 

This will be achieved by:

  • Ensuring staff are restricted to working in one year group
  • Retaining class teaching staff in the same year groups where possible facilitating immediate familiarity with the curriculum 
  • Each year group will have a nominated senior teacher to provide integrated support and inbuilt cover release 

Class Teacher Allocations

Nursery: Mrs Glass

Reception – RB: Mrs Brown and RP: Mrs Powell

Year 1 – 1A: Mrs Patel / Mrs Seth Smith and  1S: Miss Stewart

Year 2 – 2L: Miss Lloyd and 2M: Mr Mansour

Year 3 – 3H: Mr Hughes and  3J: Miss Hargreaves

Year 4 – 4B: Miss Bux and  4T: Mr Taylor

Year 5 – 5M: Miss Maynard and  5R: Mr Rees

Year 6 – 6G: Mr Guest and Mrs Gignac and 6J: Miss Jackson

Staffing Support September 2020

To maintain year group bubbles for COVID19 security and provide support and teacher cover we have allocated a senior teacher to each year group.

Year 6 – Mrs Federman

Year 5 – Mr Tallon

Year 4 – Mrs Valoti

Year 3 – Mr Russell

Year 2 – Mrs Caplan

Year 1 – Miss Blyth

Foundation Stage will be supported by our experienced qualified Nursery Nurses: Miss Finnegan, Miss Tolone and Miss Baker

School Timetable

Staggered entry 8.30am – 9.00am 

Pupils can arrive at school between 8.30am and 9.00am and go directly into class. Families will follow the current one way system for drop off.

Lessons will start at 9.00am


Pupils will have staggered break times within their year groups. They will not mix with other pupils.


To begin with in September, pupils will eat a packed lunch in their classrooms. Either provided from home or by the school. We hope to reintroduce a hot meals service in a phased manner later in the term. Children will have staggered lunchtimes within their year groups and will not mix on the playground with other pupils.

End of the Day Collection between 3.00pm to 3.15pm

Lessons will finish at 3.00pm. Children who walk home from school will be dismissed at 3.00pm. Parents will be able to collect children between 3.00pm and 3.15pm. We have a marked queuing area at the front and back of school. We will then operate a one way system. Please watch the video here:

Teachers have been asked not to talk at length with parents at the end of the day to avoid hold ups. We also ask that parents and carers leave the school promptly after pick-up to avoid congestion.

It is important to remember that we will expect all adults to maintain the social distance rule while on site.

The Woodcroft Learning Continuity Plan 

We expect that there might be times when individuals, classes or even the whole school is asked to self-isolate. To overcome further disruption to learning we are developing a comprehensive learning plan.


  1. Enable seamless transition to online learning if a bubble or the school is required to self isolate.
  2. Provide a consistent school offer for individual pupils who are required to self isolate.
  3. Enable teachers to maintain ‘remote’ class teaching responsibility if they are required to self isolate.
  4. Integrating the Google Platform into regular teaching practice.
  5. Pupils become more independent with online learning.
  6. All Families obtain appropriate technology (ideally a Chromebook) because it will be used weekly to support learning

What to expect online:

  • Weekly learning schedules published online in the class Google Classroom 
  • Brain Builder activities will be published via Google Classroom and will include:
    • Online learning expectations e.g. Khan Academy / Prodigy / Time Tables etc
    • Topic based research linked to directed digital content and learning websites
  • Termly topics published online including essential knowledge, vocabulary lists, writing checklists, spellings, stories and videos

Other Important Information


We return to wearing full uniform in September.


Our coaches will continue to provide 1 hour of PE per class. This will be mainly outside or in the main hall. They will remain socially distant from the pupils and thoroughly clean equipment between use. 

Library Organisation

No staff or pupils will be able to visit the library this term. Each class will have a Library Book Box delivered each half term.

Breakfast Club

We hope to resume the 8.00am Breakfast Club from 21st September. Children will be seated within year group areas to maintain their bubbles.

Acorns After School Club

We hope to begin to run Acorns from 28th September. But this is subject to sufficient numbers of parents requesting the provision. We will need to maintain social distancing between pupils from different year groups so this planning is more complicated and will take place in September.

Extra Curricular Clubs

Teachers are not planning on restarting any extra curricular clubs during the first half term. However, we are currently looking at ways to restart clubs run by external coaches. However, this requires additional risk assessment that cannot be completed until September.

Other Things to Remember:

  • The office window will remain closed. Please email or call 
  • Every child needs their own personal water bottle. They will take it home every day to wash and refill. All water fountains are turned off for safety reasons. We will not be able to supply water bottles if they forget to bring them.
  • Remember to provide your child with a personal pencil case to leave in school. See last week’s Newsletter Issue 385

Going Back to School

For children who have not yet returned to school since lockdown in March the following presentation may help families discuss any concerns …

click to view the slide show

School Risk Assessment and COVID19 Response Strategy

Staff and governors have carried out a series of risk assessments and associated planning based on the latest guidance to ensure the school’s safe opening in September. These documents are shared below – published 27/7/20.

If you would like to comment on any of the plans please email: