All children wear uniform at Woodcroft Primary School. We believe uniform looks smart, is practical and encourages a sense of belonging.
Plain uniform can be purchased from any sore. Alternatively, Mapac, our uniform supplier, has a full range of competitively priced items available to purchase directly from their online shop.
Visit our bespoke Woodcroft page on the Mapac website via the link below:
The uniform for all pupils consists of:

- A red school sweatshirt (sweatshirts can be purchased from (See update note above)).
- A plain white shirt/blouse or polo shirt
- Grey trousers (boys & girls) or a grey skirt
- In summer, grey school shorts, plain white polo shirt or red and white check dresses may be worn.
- Plain red baseball caps are available from the school. Branded caps are not permitted to be worn.
- Low heeled black shoes must be worn. Trainers (except for PE), boots, open toed sandals or ‘mules’ are not suitable for school and should not be worn.
- All socks and tights should be plain and in school colours (grey, white, black or red)
Please also note:
- All head coverings should be in school colours – red, white, grey or black.
- Clothing with brand symbols or logos is not permitted.
- Hair should be smart and able to be tied back if longer than shoulder length. Shaved hair designs (hair carvings) or eyebrow designs are not permitted in school.
- Earrings should be small studs. We do not allow other jewellery (unless of religious significance with permission), nail polish, false nails or make up in school
- Clothing with brand symbols or logos is not permitted.
Hair should be smart and able to be tied back if longer than shoulder length. Shaved hair designs (hair carvings) or eyebrow designs are not permitted in school
Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception Classes)
Foundation stage uniform is as above, however plain grey jogging bottoms and training shoes can be worn.
Uniform in Nursery is optional, however the vast majority of parents choose to send their child to school in uniform. The wearing of uniform for nursery pupils is recommended by the school.
Children come to school in their PE Kit on the day that they have timetabled sports or physical activities. For Years 1 to 6 the kit consists of:
- Plain navy shorts
- Plain white T shirt
- Trainers for outdoor games (gym work is done barefoot)
- Blue joggers and sweatshirt for winter games lessons
- P.E. bag (draw string)
* plimsolls are not recommended
PE Uniform and swim caps can be purchased online from (See update note above).
Year 4
- One piece swimming costume or trunks
- A swimming cap (girls and boys)
- A towel
- Suitable bag
All items should be clearly marked with the child’s name
If your child outgrows their uniform but it is still in good condition please could you donate it to the school? We can always make good use of it.