Woodcroft Weekly Issue 528

This is the final Woodcroft Weekly newsletter of this academic year – where has the time gone?

I think today’s newsletter encapsulates what Woodcroft is about. Firstly, we are able to report on another year of amazing Y6 SATs results! Significantly exceeding national levels in every subject and demonstrating what fantastic teaching takes place. However, in addition to high academic expectations this edition of the newsletter also shines a spotlight on our wider curriculum, in particular the exceptional arts and sporting opportunities offered at Woodcroft.

It is also about the wider community that we are part of. This week, families have joined us for Y6 leavers shows, EYFS picnics and a wonderful a staff lunch provided by a group of kind parents.

Finally, we say farewell to Year 6 in the knowledge they have the foundations to achieve whatever they want to at high school. We also say goodbye to valued members of staff; Ms Vanner, Mr Guest and Miss Ali, and wish them well for the future.

Have a great summer, and don’t forget to sign your child up for the Summer Reading Challenge at your local library.

Download your ISSUE 528 PDF copy here … https://bit.ly/3LuzYSD