Y4 Visited by Colindale Dental Care Centre

Report by Miss Blyth

Y4 Dentist Visit

Year 4 are visited by the dentist

On Wednesday 9th December Year 4 were lucky enough to be visited by a dentist and dental nurse from Colindale Dental Care Centre, to introduce the topic of teeth to them ready for the Spring term.

Year 4 learnt about the different types of teeth, how to take care of their teeth, (BCD, Brush, Cut down on sweets, Dentist) and what happens when we don’t look after our teeth. The children learnt about the different parts of the tooth by looking at a model, and they were even able to handle real teeth! The children looked at the difference between a healthy tooth, a decayed tooth and a tooth with a filling. This enabled them to see the importance of looking after their own teeth.

At the end of the session they were given goody bags full of advice on how to look after teeth and toothpaste. Year 4 really enjoyed the experience and would like to thank Samir Majithia and Nina Popa for taking their time to come in and teach us about dental care. The visit really brought the topic to life!