Year 4’s Trip To Paradise Wildlife Park!

Report written by Tallulah Taylor (Year 4)

On Monday 22nd of June 2015, Year 4 went to Paradise Wildlife Park. We hoped that the weather would be nice and it as it turned out it was wonderful.

We saw the five of the biggest cats in the world such as the jaguar, snow leopard, lion, white lion and the white tigers! The terrifyingly intense bat house had a stench so strong it made it hard to breath.The funniest thing at the park were the hilarious meerkats. We found out that they they come from the Kalahari Desert in Southern Africa. The trip was absolutely Fabulous. We enjoyed all of the day and we would all love to go back . There were parts of Paradise Wildlife Park we did not see, but what we did see was amazing, spooky and hilarious. Thank you to our teachers for organising this great experience.

paradise banner

Click on this image to view more of Y4’s wildlife adventure.